The Definition of Success for World Traveler James Meeker

What are you most proud of?

Committing to a journey like this is tough, so I’m proud of myself for doing it. There are definitely some challenges, but the experiences I’ve gained have made it all worthwhile.

How would you define success?

When I set out on this trip, I knew it had to be as my authentic self. I make an effort to be kind to everyone I meet and greet everyone with a smile (because they’re free). Not everyone can do what I’m doing, so hopefully I can enrich the lives of those around me in the same way the people I meet enrich mine.

Being a positive influence on someone else’s life is success to me.

What exciting plans do you have for the future?

People always ask where I’m going next. Whenever I travel on a plane or train, I get a photo of me at the doorway that says “here we go again.” Then people want to know what’s next. But my answer is, “No spoilers.”  I do have some big plans, so keep an eye on GloballyJames to see where I’m headed!

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